Newsletter October 2017

Brook Green Day

A very successful Brook Green Day took place on Saturday 16th September. It is generally agreed that it was bigger and better than before.  It takes a team of over 100 volunteers to plan and lay on the Fair so a huge thank you to everyone who was involved with the day: helping; baking; fetching & carrying; selling; sponsoring; face painting; clearing up and of course having fun. Thank you too to the 3500 or so persons who came this year. Fortunately, the rain just about held off, despite a few dark clouds, and it was a great community event, enjoyed by all concerned.  Anyone interested in helping us next year, please do get in touch.
The wild flower bank

Many people have commented how lovely the wild flower meadow between the tennis court and the western lawn has looked over the summer months. It is pleasing that this project to improve a neglected area of Brook Green by creating a bank using surplus soil (which would otherwise have been sent to landfill) from the construction of the pavilion has proved successful. The meadow contains annual flowers only and next spring we intend to plant the bank again and to extend the flower bed along the southside of the tennis courts. Meantime our thanks go to Donatella Goretti who designed the flower meadow and who with other volunteers has tended it throughout its many stages.

Little Brook Green

LBG no longer looks like the poor relation of Brook Green. Thank you in particular to Sarah Brion (Parks Project Officer) who has overseen the improvements which include new fencing, new benches and a new path and to Ian Ross (Parks Manager) and Stefan Czeladzinski (Biodiversity and Horticultural Officer) who made this happen.

The Tennis Courts

We are pleased that approval has been granted to allow the floodlights to be used until 9pm. Usage of the courts has continued to increase since their makeover in 2015 and we are grateful to local residents for their understanding in allowing us to increase playing hours in this way.

World car free day

Urbanwise.London contributed to the day (2nd September) by holding an event in Luxemburg Gardens and on Brook Green. Local school groups participated in healthy eating, sports and cycling activities. They also learned about road safety and the importance of sustainable travel.

Hammersmith Bridge to close to traffic over half term

In order to undertake essential repairs Hammersmith Bridge will close to traffic from 5pm on Saturday 21st October until the early morning of Friday 27th October. The half term period has been chosen to try and ensure the least possible disruption.

The Cycle Superhighway 9

Did you know that there are plans to build a new two-way superhighway (CS9)? This will run from Kensington Olympia along Hammersmith Road, across the north side of the Hammersmith gyratory, along King Street to Goldhawk Road. CS9 is a key part of the Mayor of London’s Healthy Streets for London initiative – a big focus of which is to encourage more people to walk and cycle. The plan is supported by Hammersmith and Fulham Council.

To find out more and have your say, see the link below. The deadline for comments is Tuesday 31st October 2017.

Paper copies of plans and responses including copies in Braille and large text are available. Please call 0343 222 1155.

Air quality

We promised an update on the Pilot Scheme aimed at monitoring air quality. Final decisions are still to be made but please watch this space.


Some of you will have attended the meetings organised by the new owners of Olympia – German institutional investors BVK, Deutsche Finance Group and Yoo Capital. If you didn’t attend, and would like to attend future meetings and/or be informed about developments, email

Below are some of the concerns highlighted by residents and the responses of the new owners.

The volume of traffic around Olympia in particular lorries and vans: the new owners will be investing in underground parking in order to ‘give back the streets to you’.

The lack of tubes serving Olympia station: the new owners are ‘committed to speak with all levels of government and TFL to get the tube open full time’ stating ‘while we cannot guarantee anything, we can promise you we are absolutely committed to engaging seriously with all levels of decision makers to fight for this.’

The PrintWorks Gym: this has been sold but the new owners of Olympia have stated that ‘we will keep our eye on the activities in the hope that they actively engage with all of us. Equally, we are pleased to confirm that plans for a new gym now form part of our thinking about the estate.

Benefits to the Community: highlighting the fact that many residents live with the congestion yet never visit Olympia, the new owners have stated they ‘are working very hard to create spaces for the public on the estate to create a sense of village’ and are considering ideas about coffee shops, independent food, wine shops, interesting galleries etc.


Don’t forget that our AGM is on Monday 6th November starting at 6.30pm. Very kindly Dunnhumby are allowing us to hold the meeting at their offices on Little Brook Green (the actual street address for which is 184 Shepherds Bush Road, London W6 7NL). There are several proposed changes to our Board and full details will follow in a separate newsletter. Please note that we will require attendants to pre-register by e-mailing

The Annual Inter-street Quiz 2018

I am sure you are all looking forward to the 2018 quiz which, unlike other quizzes, comprises teams from the same street/road or even block. We are planning to hold this in early February and we hope to announce the date and venue in the next newsletter. This year we had 14 tables and the joint winners were Poplar Grove and Milson Road.

Pavillion News

On 15th April 2015, the Planning Committee of LBHammersmith & Fulham unanimously granted approval for the Friends’ application to construct a Pavilion adjacent to the Playground and the tennis courts on the south side of Brook Green. The Pavilion was designed for us in response to our specification requirements by de Rosee Sa, a firm of architects, whose principals live locally. The design has been progressed over the last 3 years through several concepts and four distinct proposals. These were extensively consulted upon with feedback taken into consideration as the design evolved. A significant majority supported the Friends’ proposed final design. At the meeting of the Planning Committee one Councillor noted that the Friends of Brook Green were to be congratulated for the manner in which we had taken forward this initiative.

Over the coming months the Pavilion Working Group will focus on satisfying the conditions attaching to the Planning Consent, detailed design specification, tendering and procurement of the construction works. If all proceeds to plan we would hope to start construction in the late autumn of this year.